Бизнес и общество
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Ответственный секретарь редакции

Демьянов Дмитрий Геннадьевич

e-mail: x-line@rambler.ru

тел.: +7 (951) 77-999-33


Издатель журнала:

Издательский центр "Бизнес и общество".

Адрес: 454080, г. Челябинск, ул. Работниц, д.58

тел.: +7 (951) 77-999-33

Экономические науки
Approach control of quality management system tank-wagons as an important stage of development konkurentoustoychivosti companies
Burlankov S.P. 1, Dolgov D.I. 2

1. Mordovia State University N. P. Ogareva
2. Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsev`ev


Background research is that conflicting economic trends, the need to consider a number of factors internal and external environment in a changing operating environment in the paramount problem of providing konkurentoustoychivosti enterprises as konkurentoustoychivosti distributed in time. A variety of factors that affect the activities of enterprises, ambiguity estimates of their impact, often lack the possibility of their accounting and forecasting, the complexity of the problem to identify the interdependence of internal and external economic parameters lead to serious negative consequences, and often to the destruction of production and economic system. This raises the need to develop new approaches and methods for managing the intra interaction based on the use of the tools of market relations and the transformation of the elements of the market at the enterprise level. Insufficiently theoretical study konkurentoustoychivosti issues, lack of models, diagrams, algorithms for the formation mechanism of industrial relations on the principles of intra-enterprise, ensuring longevity of economic enterprises by integrating and mobilizing organizational capacity, determined the choice of research topic. This article reflects the order of formation of the relationship between sustainability and quality of competitor products, as well as show approaches regulation of quality management systems.

Keywords: quality, consept, management, approaches the concept

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